Can you imagine a world without Scouting?
Without Scouting skills for life, the world would certainly be a less interesting place, and if it wasn't for the talent and originality of one man, the Scout Movement might never have existed at all.
This man was Robert Baden-Powell (1857-1941), a soldier, artist, actor and free-thinker. Best known for his spirited defence of the small South African township of Mafeking during the Boer War, he was propelled to further fame as the Founder of Scouting.
Inspired during the siege by the initiative shown by boys under pressure, Baden-Powell (BP) realised that young people had huge potential that was often left untapped.
Already thinking of developing a training programme for young people in Britain, he was encouraged by friends to rewrite his handbook for soldiers (Aids to Scouting) for this younger audience.
The Brownsea camp
In 1907 Baden-Powell held a camp on Brownsea Island in Poole, Dorset, to try out his ideas and brought together 20 boys from a variety of backgrounds. The success of the camp spurred him on to finish what would become a classic book of the 20th century.
Scouting for Boys was published in 1908 in six fortnightly parts at 4d a copy. What had been intended as a training aid for existing organisations became the handbook of a new Movement, which secured the royal seal of approval the following year when King Edward VII agreed to the introduction of the King’s Scout Award.
In its first census in 1910, Scouting had almost 108,000 participants; over 100,000 were young people.
Scouting for all ages
It was a global phenomenon. As numbers grew, it soon became clear that young people of all ages and in every country wanted to get involved in Scouting. Wolf Cubs came along for younger Scouts in 1916, followed four years later by Rover Scouts for an older age range.
1920 was also the year of the first World Scout Jamboree. At London's Olympia, Scouts from across the world gathered to celebrate international unity and the growth of their great Movement.
Branching out
Lord Baden-Powell died in 1941 but his legacy continued. Scouting became a byword for adventure, usefulness and global friendship.
As the Movement spread across the world, Scouting continued to evolve in the United Kingdom. Following heroic work during the Second World War when Scouts acted as coast guards, couriers and stretcher bearers, members continued to show they were truly able to live their motto ‘Be prepared.’
Forward thinking
Scouting has never stood still. New branches such as Air and Sea Scouts became increasingly popular, gaining recognition from the RAF and the Royal Navy. Scouts were on hand to help out at major events such as the Queen's coronation, helping the crowds who camped out overnight to get a glimpse of the spectacle.
The Movement continued to grow and move with the times. Rover Scouts and Senior Scouts became Venture Scouts and the badge system was updated to reflect the wider range of activities a Scout could do. Girls were invited to join the Venture Scout section; this was introduced to other sections in the early 1990s.
In the true spirit of an inclusive organisation, younger children got to experience Scouting for the first time with the official incorporation of the Beaver Scouts in 1986. Three years later, official headgear was abolished for all sections.
Scouting for the 21st Century
At the dawn of the 21st Century, the Association again underwent reform with the launch of a new logo, uniform and training programme and the introduction of Explorer Scouts and the Scout Network by 2002.
In 2007, the Movement celebrated its centenary and the 21st World Scout Jamboree was held in the UK. Scouting hit the headlines in 2009 when TV adventurer Bear Grylls was announced as the new Chief Scout.
12th Eastleigh Scout Headquarters History
The land on which this Headquarters stands was donated to 12th Eastleigh (1st Bishopstoke) Scout Group by Frank and Jesse Campbell Scott Dibben in memory of their son, Lieutenant Peter Farquhar Dibben killed in action in Italy during WWII.
Lieutenant Peter Farquhar Dibben (service number 224558) of the Royal Engineers was killed on 8 November 1943 and buried at Minturno War Cemetery, Italy. He was aged 23 years at the time of his death and was the son of Frank and Jesse Campbell Scott Dibben, BSc (Canterbury).

Photograph courtesy of The War Graves Photographic Project
On 3 September 1943 the Allies invaded the Italian mainland, the invasion coinciding with an armistice made with the Italians who then re-entered the war on the Allied side. Allied objectives were to draw German troops from the Russian front and more particularly from France, where an offensive was planned for the following year. Progress through southern Italy was rapid despite stiff resistance, but by the end of October, the Allies were facing the German winter defensive position known as the Gustav Line, which stretched from the river Garigliano in the west to the Sangro in the east. Initial attempts to breach the western end of the line were unsuccessful and it was not until 17 January 1944 that the Garigliano was crossed, and Minturno taken two days later. The site for the cemetery was chosen in January 1944, but the Allies then lost some ground and the site came under German small-arms fire. The cemetery could not be used again until May 1944 when the Allies launched their final advance on Rome and the US 85th and 88th Divisions were in this sector. The burials are mainly those of the heavy casualties incurred in crossing the Garigliano in January. Minturno War Cemetery contains 2,049 Commonwealth burials of the Second World War. The cemetery was designed by Louis de Soissons.
The first Bishopstoke scout troop was founded in 1909, and the second in 1928. 1st Bishopstoke Scout Group was formed by amalgamation of the two existing troops in 1947, headquartered at the current location.
In October 1967, the Headquarters which had been recently renovated, was destroyed by an 80 ft beech tree falling across it. 1n 1968, the newly rebuilt HQ was destroyed by a fire. Rebuilding work was begun in 1974, stage 2 of this project consisting of a toilet and store was completed in 1987. The toilets were subsequently refurbished with Lottery funding in 2008.